
Fudge allows for different types to interpret different values in a data stream.

In particular, the available types in a particular installation of Fudge may be different than any other installation, and may in fact be runtime-extensible in dynamic systems. While primitive types should have fast-path codings, all types could be handled by extensible type classes.

Pre-Defined Fudge Types

These types are part of the built-in Fudge type dictionary, and must be handled by any Fudge Encoding Specification-compliant system.

Type ID (Decimal) Type ID (Binary) Fixed Width Description Java Type
0 0000 0000 Yes (0) Unsized indicator value IndicatorType
1 0000 0001 Yes (1) Boolean boolean
2 0000 0010 Yes (1) signed 8-bit integer byte
3 0000 0011 Yes (2) signed 16-bit integer short
4 0000 0100 Yes (4) signed 32-bit integer int
5 0000 0101 Yes (8) signed 64-bit integer long
6 0000 0110 No byte array byte[]
7 0000 0111 No Array of signed 16-bit integer short[]
8 0000 1000 No Array of signed 32-bit integer int[]
9 0000 1001 No Array of signed 64-bit integer long[]
10 0000 1010 Yes (4) 32-bit floating point float
11 0000 1011 Yes (8) 64-bit floating point double
12 0000 1100 No Array of 32-bit floating points float[]
13 0000 1101 No Array of 64-bit floating points double[]
14 0000 1110 No UTF-8 encoded string String
15 0000 1111 No Embedded Fudge Message FudgeMsg
16 0001 0000 N/A Currently Unallocated  
17 0001 0001 Yes (4) byte array of length 4 byte[4]
18 0001 0010 Yes (8) byte array of length 8 byte[8]
19 0001 0011 Yes (16) byte array of length 16 byte[16]
20 0001 0100 Yes (20) byte array of length 20 byte[20]
21 0001 0101 Yes (32) byte array of length 32 byte[32]
22 0001 0110 Yes (64) byte array of length 64 byte[64]
23 0001 0111 Yes (128) byte array of length 128 byte[128]
24 0001 1000 Yes (256) byte array of length 256 byte[256]
25 0001 1001 Yes (512) byte array of length 512 byte[512]
26 0001 1010 Yes (4) Reserved for Date Currently unspecified
27 0001 1011 Unknown Reserved for Time Currently unspecified
28 0001 1100 Yes (12) Reserved for combined Date and Time Currently unspecified

Type Reductions

To maximise efficiency of a Fudge message, types can be reduced by a system. The following reductions must always take place:

Type Reduce to If
16-bit integer 8-bit integer Value is within smaller range
32-bit integer 8- or 16- bit integer Value is within smaller range
64-bit integer 8-, 16- or 32- bit integer Value is within smaller range
byte array fixed length byte array Length matches one of the fixed lengths
combined date and time date If the precision level does not include a time element

Additional reductions are possible for some types, but their use is optional as there may be a high overhead of calculating if the conversion is possible or performing the conversion:

Type Reduce to If
array of 16-bit integers array of 8-bit integers If the largest value in the array is within the 8-bit range
array of 32-bit integers array of 8- or 16- bit integers If the largest value in the array is within the smaller range
array of 64-bit integers array of 8-, 16- or 32- bit integers If the largest value in the array is within the smaller range
32-bit floating point 8- or 16- bit integer If the floating point value can be exactly represented by a smaller integer (e.g. 0)
64-bit floating point 8-, 16- or 32- bit integer If the floating point value can be exactly represented by a smaller integer (e.g. 0)
64-bit floating point 32-bit floating point If the floating point value can be exactly represented by the lower precision type
array of 32-bit floating point array of 8- or 16- bit integers If all elements can be exactly represented by a smaller integer
array of 64-bit floating point array of 8-, 16- or 32- bit integers, or array of 32-bit floating point If all elements can be exactly represented by a smaller type
string integer or floating point type If the string contains a base-10 number within the range of an integer type, or a IEE754 ASCII floating point value that can be exactly represented by the 32- or 64- bit floating point type

Even if these reductions are not implemented, an implementation should provide utility methods or other type conversion mechanism to expand received data to the type required or expected by an application.

Runtime-Extended Types

Fudge is designed to have an extensible type system, so applications can add additional types for application or domain specific entity types. When processing Fudge-encoded data, where a Fudge implementation does not have the ability to process a particular type, the data will still be maintained so that it can be passed onto additional systems without loss of data.

To allow scope for the expansion of the standard Fudge types listed above while ensuring application compatibility, any type extensions must be allocated from 255 (1111 1111) downwards. Any new types added to the standard will be allocated from 29 upwards.

Runtime-Extended Fixed-Width Types

While reference implementations may allow runtime-extended fixed width types, because Fudge doesn’t support specifying the size of a fixed-width type in the field header, the remainder of the message will be unhandled by any intermediary processing system that doesn’t have support for that fixed-width type, and therefore should be avoided at all costs.

There are two primary reasons for this:

  1. The existing set of fixed-width types supports every major binary size up to 512 bytes, meaning that almost all well-understood fixed width data formats can be handled - GUID, IPv6 address, RSA key, DSA key, SHA-1 digest, MD5 digest
  2. As sizes get beyond these known values, the added burden of modelling them as a variable-width field is trumped by the size of the data payload itself (so adding 2 bytes to encode the length of a 1024 byte field is inconsequential).

In general, well written Fudge-based systems rely on convention rather than specification to determine the mapping.

Therefore, if you are thinking of extending the type system with a new fixed-width type, you should consider the following:

  • Could you accomplish the same goals with a convention-based approach on top of one of the existing fixed-width types?
  • Would the added burden of a variable-width type be significant enough to cause performance problems?

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